Download Format Excel Long Section Untuk Pclp

Career and technical education system for Alaska that aligns training. Work on writing the CTE plan began in January 2010, and involved a broad cross-section. 1.1 Ensuring that every student has a personal learning and career plan (PLCP). Powerful forces for ensuring that students excel academically, complete high. Rabu 26 Juli 2017 diaadakan pelatihan membuat long dan cross section untuk anggota DaEng Riset dan Studi di Classroom CR.11 FTUH Gowa. Terima kasih kepada pemateri, Kanda Candra Djoko yang telah bersedia membagi ilmunya kepada rekan-rekan peserta pelatihan. PCLP adalah sebuah program yang dibuat untuk mengefisienkan pembuatan gambar ‘long dan ‘cross’ dari hasil pengukuran topografi.

Conditional formatting is a fantastic way to quickly visualize data in a spreadsheet. With conditional formatting, you can do things like highlight dates in the next 30 days, flag data entry problems, highlight rows that contain top customers, show duplicates, and more.

Excel ships with a large number of 'presets' that make it easy to create new rules without formulas. However, you can also create rules with your own custom formulas. By using your own formula, you take over the condition that triggers a rule, and can apply exactly the logic you need. Formulas give you maximum power and flexibility.

For example, using the 'Equal to' preset, it's easy to highlight cells equal to 'apple'.

But what if you want to highlight cells equal to 'apple' or 'kiwi' or 'lime'? Sure, you can create a rule for each value, but that's a lot of trouble. Instead, you can simply use one rule based on a formula with the OR function:

Here's the result of the rule applied to the range B4:F8 in this spreadsheet:

Here's the exact formula used:

Quick start

You can create a formula-based conditional formatting rule in four easy steps:

1. Select the cells you want to format.

2. Create a conditional formatting rule, and select the Formula option

3. Enter a formula that returns TRUE or FALSE.

4. Set formatting options and save the rule.

The ISODD function only returns TRUE for odd numbers, triggering the rule:

Video: How to apply conditional formatting with a formula

Formula logic

Formulas that apply conditional formatting must return TRUE or FALSE, or numeric equivalents. Here are some examples:

The above formulas all return TRUE or FALSE, so they work perfectly as a trigger for conditional formatting.

When conditional formatting is applied to a range of cells, enter cell references with respect to the first row and column in the selection (i.e. the upper left cell). The trick to understanding how conditional formatting formulas work is to visualize the same formula being applied to each cell in the selection, with cell references updated as usual. Imagine that you entered the formula in the upper left cell of the selection, and then copied the formula across the entire selection. If you struggle with this, see the section on Dummy Formulas below.

Formula Examples

Below are examples of custom formulas you can use to apply conditional formatting. Some of these examples can be created using Excel's built-in presets for highlighting cells, but custom formulas can go far beyond presets, as you can see below.

Also see: More than 30 Conditional Formatting Formulas

Highlight orders from Texas

To highlight rows that represent orders from Texas (abbreviated TX), use a formula that locks the reference to column F:

For more details, see this article: Highlight rows with conditional formatting.

Video: How to highlight rows with conditional formatting

Highlight dates in the next 30 days

To highlight dates occurring in the next 30 days, we need a formula that (1) makes sure dates are in the future and (2) makes sure dates are 30 days or less from today. One way to do this is to use the AND function together with the NOW function like this:

Insert a Pivot Table Drag fields Sort Filter Change Summary Calculation Two-dimensional Pivot Table

Pivot tables are one of Excel's most powerful features. A pivot table allows you to extract the significance from a large, detailed data set.

Our data set consists of 213 records and 6 fields. Order ID, Product, Category, Amount, Date and Country.

Insert a Pivot Table

To insert a pivot table, execute the following steps.

1. Click any single cell inside the data set.

2. On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click PivotTable.

The following dialog box appears. Excel automatically selects the data for you. The default location for a new pivot table is New Worksheet.

3. Click OK.

Drag fields

The PivotTable Fields pane appears. To get the total amount exported of each product, drag the following fields to the different areas.

1. Product field to the Rows area.

2. Amount field to the Values area.

3. Country field to the Filters area.

Below you can find the pivot table. Bananas are our main export product. That's how easy pivot tables can be!


To get Banana at the top of the list, sort the pivot table.

1. Click any cell inside the Sum of Amount column.

2. Right click and click on Sort, Sort Largest to Smallest.



Because we added the Country field to the Filters area, we can filter this pivot table by Country. For example, which products do we export the most to France?

1. Click the filter drop-down and select France.

Result. Apples are our main export product to France.

Note: you can use the standard filter (triangle next to Row Labels) to only show the amounts of specific products.

Change Summary Calculation

By default, Excel summarizes your data by either summing or counting the items. To change the type of calculation that you want to use, execute the following steps.

1. Click any cell inside the Sum of Amount column.

2. Right click and click on Value Field Settings.

3. Choose the type of calculation you want to use. For example, click Count.

4. Click OK.

Result. 16 out of the 28 orders to France were 'Apple' orders.

Two-dimensional Pivot Table

If you drag a field to the Rows area and Columns area, you can create a two-dimensional pivot table. First, insert a pivot table. Next, to get the total amount exported to each country, of each product, drag the following fields to the different areas.

1. Country field to the Rows area.

Download yugioh online for mac. 2. Product field to the Columns area.

3. Amount field to the Values area.

4. Category field to the Filters area.

Below you can find the two-dimensional pivot table.

To easily compare these numbers, create a pivot chart and apply a filter. Maybe this is one step too far for you at this stage, but it shows you one of the many other powerful pivot table features Excel has to offer.