Bbt Chart Celsius Excel Download

Bbt Chart Celsius Download A Basal Body Temperature And Cervical Mucus Chart. 22 Abiding Basal Body Temperature Chart Celsius Excel.

Ovulation Software

Ovulation Calendar - an ovulation prediction program that uses menstrual cycle information to generate your personal fertility calendar, lets you choose the gender of your baby, or avoid getting pregnant - Free 45 day trial; $34 to buy

Ovusoft fertility software 1.6 - Free 15 day trial; $39.95 to buy

Free Online Calculators

Free Online Ovulation Calculator - Enter your menstrual cycle information (the start date of your last menstrual period, your menstrual period length and your luteal phase length). Then simply click on 'View Calendar' to view your personal ovulation calendar.

Ovulation/Due Date Calculator - Just enter your details and it will calculate your ovulation time, the fetal age and your due date.

Online Communities Tracker

MyMonthlyCycles® - free personalized tools to track, monitor, and manage your monthly menstrual cycles; you must join community to access tools.

Fertility Charting

Fertility Chart Fahrenheit (PDF)
Fertility Chart Celsius(PDF)

You can download BBT charts in different forms:

  • GIF images to print and fill out by hand (no other software needed)

    Before you download, please note that the compressed files will download quicker, but you need zip software such as WinZip to extract the files. The short versions of the chart print on letter-size paper, while the long version requires legal-size paper for printing. Use the Save As feature on your browser in most cases, but for some people you may need to right click on the link and choose Save Link (Target) As.

Compressed Files -Microsoft Excel 5 or Later You need to have a zip software such as WinZip, to extract these files. This version works for Micorsoft Excel 5 or later on any platform (Windows 95, Windows 3.x, OS2, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 4.0, and Mac).

BBTchart Short Version in Fahrenheit

BBTchart Long Version in Fahrenheit

Uncompressed Files - Microsoft Excel 5 or Later. You don't need to uncompress these files, but you should download both the chart and the help file. You can view the readme.txt online. If you click on the *.xls file and your browser opens it as gibberish, it means your browser incorrectly set up to open the file w/o jumping to the Excel application . . . what you need to do is right click on the file name and Save Link (or Target) As to download the file and then open in Excel.

BBTchart Short Version-Fahrenheit - Help

BBTchart Long Version-Fahrenheit - Help

Fam chart examples

BBTchart Short Version-Celsius - Help

BBTchart Short Version-Celsius - Help

Uncompressed Files for Excel 4 and Other Spreadsheets This is the strippy version that works with Microsoft Works, Lotus, etc. -- any spreadsheet that can open a *.xls file but cannot use macros. If you click on the *.xls file and your browser opens it as gibberish, it means your browser in incorrectly set up to open the file w/o first opening your spreadsheet program . . . what you need to do is right click on the file name and Save Link (or Target) As to download the file and then open in your spreadsheet software.

BBTchart Short - Fahrenheit (Excel 4)

Ordinary movie download. BBTchart Short - Celsius (Excel 4)

BBTchart Long - Celsius (Excel 4)

PDF Files to Print from Adobe Acrobattm This is the best method of getting the chart to print and fill out by hand -- you'll get a much nicer printout to write on.

PDF of BBTchart Short in Fahrenheit

PDF of BBTchart Short in Celsius

GIF Images for Printing from the Web or Saving to Disk Click on the version you want and allow the chart image to fully load in your browser. Print the frame from your browser, or right click with your mouse button and choose the Save Image (Picture) As option to have the graphic stored on your computer. This version is for filling out by hand only, while the spreadsheet versions can be filled out on the computer. Since the image is only screen quality, your printout will have some 'jaggies', but doesn't look too bad.

GIF of BBTchart Short in Fahrenheit

GIF of BBTchart Short in Celsius